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Top Benefits of Dry Fire Detection

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Most commercial spaces are equipped with wet fire detection systems for two reasons; they are the simplest to install, and they use water, which is a readily available resource. However, dry fire detection systems are beginning to find their way into commercial facilities.

Unlike wet fire detection system, dry fire systems do not retain water in a sprinkler piping system. Instead, the piping is filled with pressurized air or nitrogen gas, which holds back the water at the main valve. In case of a fire, air pressure in a room drops, and sensors in the system activate the valve to release water through sprinklers. This article looks at the benefits of a dry fire detection system.

Eliminates Pipe Freeze 

Imagine a fire raging through your facility, but a fire sprinkler system cannot put the furnace off because the piping is frozen. Unfortunately, most commercial facilities have to deal with this issue often, especially during cold seasons. Consequently, facility managers are forced to use heaters or anti-freeze agents to keep the water in a sprinkler piping liquid. Not only are these measure expensive, but they also require close monitoring.

A dry fire detection system eliminates this problem because water is not retained in a sprinkler piping. The system remains dry at all times and ready to let water through in the event of a fire. Most importantly, a dry fire detection system is not affected by weather conditions.

Less Piping Maintenance 

As mentioned earlier, wet fire detection systems have water in the sprinkler piping at all times. This increases the potential of leaks, which can damage the piping system and property. A wet fire detection system requires regular checks and maintenance to ensure the piping does not leak. Conversely, a dry fire detection system requires minimal maintenance, especially on the piping system. This is attributed to the absence of water in the sprinkler piping when the system is not in use. However, it is crucial to ensure the pipe is completely dry after use to prevent rusting.

Saves Water 

Ever since the United Nations General Assembly explicitly declared water a human right in 2010, there have been increased efforts by businesses to use water efficiently. However, conservation of water might be challenging with wet fire detection systems because the sprinkler comes on immediately a system detects the slightest increase in heat. Notably, extinguishing a small fire using wet sprinklers enhances wastage.

However, you do not have to worry about water efficiency with a dry fire detection system. The reason is that there is a delay between sprinklers opening and water discharge. This allows property managers enough time to put off a small fire and turn off the sprinkler, thereby saving water.
